Jammu: Coping up with the long pending demand of inhabitantsof Ward 33, Former Minister and Ex MLA Jammu West Sat Sharma (CA) inauguratednewly installed transformer at Ward 33 of the Assembly segment. Sharmainaugurated the transformer in presence of hundreds of inhabitants of the wardand was also accompanied by District President Ayodhya Gupta and many others.
The transformer installed in the area is of 400 KVA capacityand will cater to the needs of inhabitants of Lane number 16 and 27 of the wardwhich includes nearly 2000 inhabitants. The total cost incurred on the same isnearly Rupees 12 lakhs and both IRCON & PDD have taken up the work in orderto provide relief to the people in scorching summers. The work includes settingup of pipe poles, wiring, setting of new station and other accessories.
Speaking on the occasion, Sat Sharma said that it was indeeda long pending demand of the locals and the same has been met so that a majorrelief could be provided to the inhabitants in these scorching summers asearlier the transformer installed was of low capacity and it caused majordisruption including low voltage and frequent power cuts.
He stated that this won’t be a problem anymore as thetransformer installed now is of high capacity and will run smoothly without anydisruption. He said BJP is committed to work for masses and believes in agendaof “Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas”. He also appreciated the efforts ofPDD and IRCON for looking into the problems of people on priority and also saidthat other wards in Jammu West where power problem persists are also kept onpriority and with the help of department, their problems will also be solved.
Ayodhya Gupta appreciated the efforts of Former MLA West andstated that his efforts have brought a major change in the infrastructuraldevelopment in Jammu West.
Dr PardeepMahotra, Munish Khajuria, Adv Rajesh Gupta,Urvashi Gupta, Mphit Vaid, Master Som Dutt Sharma, ML Kampasi, Rajesh Sharma,Om Parkash Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Vijay Balgotra, Parveen Gupta, PurshottamShastri, Heera Lal, Suresh Gupta and several others were also present.
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